Act 1 - The Prisoner's Gate

12 / 5 / 2019

# Previous Area

Go to The Upper Prison

# Intro

In this guide our goal is to make sense out of Prisoners Gate, one of the layouts with the most amount of variation, as it has 12 distinct layouts. Gladly, we can very quickly deduct possible layouts of out the equation based on the orientation of the entrance, and after that by looking at the ledge and the road and even further ahead by the tunnel that connects the first and the second areas of the area.

# Orientations

Here's the three different orientations you can recognize immediately upon entering Prisoner's Gate: PrisonersOri

  • TopRight orientation is based on the entrance being to the North-West of the character, and the general direction is towards East, or Right.
    • The 3 Layouts for TopRight orientation are:
      • Left
      • Block
      • Right


  • BottomLeft orientation gets it's name based on the entrance being below to the South-West of the character, and our general direction is towards East, or Right.
    • The 4 Layouts for BottomLeft orientation are:
      • LeftStraight
      • LeftCurved
      • RightSraight
      • RightCurved


  • BottomRight orientation is named based the entrance being below to the South-West of the character, and general direction from the start being towards East, or Right
    • The 5 Layouts for BottomRight orientation are:
      • NoWallRoadLeft
      • NoWallRoadRight
      • Down
      • TopBlock
      • TopNoBlock

# TopRight

  • In all TopRight layouts you notice immediately that the entrance to the area is to the North-West of your character.
    • You always start going directly towards East, and read the layout based on how the tunnel looks like.

# Left

TopRightLeft layout is named based on the fact that you go left after exiting the tunnel (white marking) connecting the first and second area. Prisoners

  • In this layout the tunnel is curved and pushed you to a bit South-East
    • You always turn and hug the Western wall, but don't do it blindly as you can run to a deadend.
      • Deadend can be recognized from seeing the travel towards it making the character climb upwards, while the correct route in Prisoner's Gate pushed you downwards (ingame, not looking at the minimap).

# Block

Block layout is named based on a wall blocking your way directly towards North-East, the direction you came out of the tunnel (that is not curved like the other TopRight layouts) Prisoners

  • If you have mobility skill, you can skip through to the other side and turn slightly North and then continue towards North-East.
  • If you don't have a mobility skill that allows you to bypass the ledge, you can just follow it along.

Right layout is named based on the direction after the tunnel being to the South-East. Prisoners

  • You notice this layout from the tunnel pushing you to go North, instead of South-East or North-East

# BottomLeft

  • In all BottomLeft layouts you start going directly North but also a tiny bit to the East because you need to keep an eye on how the wall to the East looks like, because 2 of the layouts look identical with the exception of small difference in the starting wall to the East.

# LeftStraight

LeftStraight layout gets it's name based on the direction being hugging the West side wall after the tunnel, and the tunnel having straight walls. Prisoners

  • The important thing here on top of paying attention to how the tunnel looks like (if it's not straight tunnel, you don't need to worry about the wall at the start), because RightStraight layout looks identical to it with the exception of the starting wall.
    • The wall in LeftStraigh is very big and roundy (shown in lower white circle).

# LeftCurved

LeftCurved is named based on the exit again being to the West side wall after the tunnel. Prisoners

  • This time around the tunnel doesn't have straight lines, but it's slightly curved and tilts your character a bit towards East instead of having a straight path to North-East like in the previous layout.

# RightStraight

RightStraight is named based on the exit's direction being to the South-East side after the tunnel, and the tunnel is again straight, allowing you to go directly towards North-East Prisoners Prisoners

  • This is the layout that you can confuse to LeftStraight, however if you paid attention to the starting wall to the East after getting to area it looks very different;
    • It is either basically a straight line pushing you North
    • Or it's very pointy corner
      • From here you know the exit after tunnel is towards South-East

# RightCurved

RightCurved layout is the easiest of the BottomLeft layouts to recognize, as it has a tunnel that makes you a complete U-Turn. Prisoners

  • The exit after getting out the tunnel is just staying on the direction it put you on, South-East.

# BottomRight

  • In all bottom right layouts you always check the wall to your East / South at the start, as it let's you deduct potentially all but one layout immediately at the start.
  • On top of that, you will also have to pay attention to the road towards Western Forest that get's blocked by Piety.

# NoWallRoadLeft

NoWallRoadLeft is named based on not having a wall to your South/East side immediately, and the road turning towards North-West almost immediately. Prisoners

  • By not being blocked from going directly towards East from the beginning, and seeing the road turning immediately towards North-West you can already tell you're in this layout, however by looking at the ledge to your South while going East is another tell.

# NoWallRoadRight

NoStartWall's name comes from not having anything below you (just like in NoWallRoadLeft), however this time the road actually keeps going East instead of turning to North-West. Prisoners

  • By looking at the road you know to instead turn directly towards North and after the tunnel you turn South-East instead.

# Down

Down layout gets it's name based on you seeing a ledge to your South-Eastern side and road going North-East. Prisoners

  • In these layouts you simply just hug to the East and as much as you can at all times.

# TopBlock

TopBlock is named from wall blocking your path to the East at the start, and after exiting the tunnel you are greeted by a ledge that blocks your pathing towards North-West. Prisoners

  • After you hit the block, you just follow along with it towards North.

# TopNoBlock

TopNoBlock is basically the same as TopBlock, except this time around there is no ledge blocking our pathing towards North-West. Prisoners Prisoners

  • And as such, we continue going towards that direction, because in this area Corrupted Zone can actually completely change where the right direction is.
    • If you hit the wall (hard wall, not a ledge) blocking your path towards North-West very quickly, turn towards South-West and once possible, North-West.
    • However if you are able to continue for approximately 50% further, you're very likely in the layout where you have corrupted zone behind that wall.
      • And in this variant you have to turn towards North-East instead.

# Cheatsheet

Work in progress

# Next Area

Go to The Ship Graveyard

About Me

I'm Karvarousku, or Karv, and I've played Path of Exile very actively since 2012. During these years I've learned a lot of the game's systems and mechanics and played it well over a ten thousand hours. I'm creating this website to share that information with you all!


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